Posted: 09 June 2023
The event looks set to be the biggest ever Armed Forces Day celebration in South Yorkshire as the city comes together to honour the Armed Forces Community, past and present.
The 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, the Band of the Coldstream Guards, hundreds of people including serving forces, cadets, reservists and veterans, a huge celebration in Elmfield Park and a flypast by a Battle of Britain spitfire – it’s all happening at Doncaster’s Armed Forces Day event on Saturday 24th June.
The event looks set to be the biggest ever Armed Forces Day celebration in South Yorkshire as the city comes together to honour the Armed Forces Community, past and present.
In celebration of City Status and to honour their Freedom of Entry which was bestowed on the regiment in 2021, the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards will be present on the day to officially exercise their right of entry with a march through the city centre. The Band of the Coldstream Guards will also be joining the parade of serving forces, cadets, reservists and veterans. The parade includes representation of all the combined Armed Forces - Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Airforce, there will also be Mounted Police from South Yorkshire Mounted Section and a Jackal military vehicle including crew from the 3rd Battalion Rifles Regiment
The parade will travel along St Sepulchre Gate, High Street, Hall Gate, South Parade and end, for the first time, at Elmfield Park with celebrations taking place there throughout the day.
Air Vice-Marshal Richard Hill CBE MA FCILT FRAeS will take the salute from the dais as part of the saluting party before dismissing the parading troops, Colonel Toby Till MBE will also be in attendance as part of the saluting party representing the Coldstream Guards.
There will be a vibrant atmosphere in Elmfield park with lots of activities, stalls, vendors, entertainment including a performance by the Band of the Coldstream Guards, 1940’s themed vocalist Miss Marina Mae, Minden House Buglers and much more. There’s chance to meet your local Armed Forces and an opportunity for all to share memories with veterans.
And at 16.28pm, a Battle of Britain Spitfire will be doing a flypast over the park at as part of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flights!
Ros Jones, Mayor of Doncaster said: “Doncaster is very proud of its armed forces community and we’re very much looking forward to hosting the largest Armed Forces Day event the city has ever seen on Saturday 24th June with lots of exciting activities planned.
“We are delighted that the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards are joining us along with the Band of the Coldstream Guards. The parade promises to be spectacular as it weaves its way through the city with the breath-taking sight of a flypast from a Battle of Britain Spitfire later in the afternoon.
“Everyone is welcome to join us at the event in recognition of our Armed Forces’ selfless contribution and all the sacrifices they have made and continue to make.”
The Armed Forces Day event will take place from 11am to 6pm.
In addition to Armed Forces Day, on Friday 23 June, City of Doncaster Council are supporting the Zero Suicide Alliance with special training for veterans, family and friends to start conversations about suicide.
The FREE training includes information on:
• How to spot the signs
• How to have a conversation with someone you’re worried about
• Where to signpost to for further support
The free, drop-in training session at the Civic Office’s One Stop Shop takes place on Friday 23 June, 10am – 4pm.
The training takes approximately 20 minutes and can also be completed for free online through the Zero Suicide Alliance website.