LGBT+ History Month

Visit Doncaster is proud to support LGBT+ History Month

Doncaster is a welcoming place for all!

What is LGBT+ History Month and why you should you get involved?

It’s LGBTQ Pride Month — a time to celebrate love, but also to champion equality and LGBTQ rights.

The first LGBT+ History Month was celebrated in February 2005. Its purpose is to shine a light on LGBT+ history and claim our past, celebrate our present and create our future. It is celebrated across the UK in museum (including Doncaster's very own Danum Gallery Library and Museum), libraries, art galleries, theatres, workplaces, institutions and schools.

Surveys have shown that “Pupils in schools with strong positive messaging about being LGBT+ have drastically improved wellbeing and feel safer – regardless of whether they are LGBT+ or not” (Just Like Us – ‘Growing Up LGBT+, 2021). Taking part in the month demonstrates a commitment to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Design the next LGBT+ History Month badge - competition!

Lgbt history month

LGBT+ History Month raises vital funds for its work to make schools safe and inclusive for everyone through the sale of its iconic annual badge. Each year the design is distinctive, linking to the year’s National Curriculum theme. Until 2020 the design was created by university design students.

For 2023 the organisation wanted to give young people of all ages from 5 to 18+ the opportunity to be at the centre of LGBT+ History Month by having their art be on the annual badge, which is sold right across the UK. This is a fantastic activity that can be run as part of your History Month celebrations and utilises many skills from across the National Curriculum. This would be a great way to get your children involved with LGBT+ History Month.

Competition – Design the LGBT+ History Month Badge for 2023

The theme for 2023 is Art – ‘Behind The Lens

The competition is live from 1st January 2022. Closing Date 31st March 2022. For more information, please visit: 

5 Celebrities Who Champion LGBTQ+ Rights

DUA LIPA: When fans at her concert in China were removed by the police for waving LGBT+ rainbow flags, singer Dua Lipa was brought to tears. In a social media post, she promised to “stand by you all for your love and beliefs” and stated how proud she was of her fans who “felt safe enough to show your pride at my show”.

Lgbt history month

ELLIE GOULDING: Ellie Goulding has a long history of supporting LGBT+ rights. In 2014, the English singer-songwriter declined an offer to perform at the Winter Olympics in protest to the anti-gay legislations in Russia. 

Lgbt history month

JAMEELA JAMIL: British actress, model, presenter and activist, Jameela Jamil has been a passionate advocate for LGBT+ rights. Founder of the ‘iWeigh’ movement and star of the hit NBC series ‘The Good Place’, Jamil has championed for adequate media representation of LGBT+ characters, especially those from BAME backgrounds, in hopes that we “continue to see on screen what we are living amongst in this world.”

Lgbt history month

MILEY CYRUS:  American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality, Miley has been an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights for years, and the creation of her Happy Hippie Foundation is just the latest way she’s showing her support.

Lgbt history month

HARRY STYLES: The former One Direction singer said that he sees gay rights as of central importance, rather than something that should be used for political gain and control.

Lgbt history month

*Source: British LGBT+ Award

5 ways to become a better LGBTQ ally

Lgbt history month

1. Be open to learn, listen and educate yourself: Take it upon yourself to learn about LGBTQ+ history, terminology, and the struggles that the community still faces today. Sure, your friend may be happy to answer your questions but they are not a walking LGBTQ+ encyclopaedia!

2. Don't assume: Don't assume that all of your friends, co-workers, and even housemates are straight. Don't assume someone's gender or pronouns. LGBTQ+ people don't look a particular way and someone's current or previous partner(s) doesn't define their sexuality.

3. Think of 'ally' as an action rather than a label: It is easy to call yourself an ally, but the label alone isn't enough. Oppression doesn't take breaks. To be an effective ally you need to be willing to be consistent in your support of LGBTQ+ rights and defend LGBTQ+ people against discrimination.

4. Confront your own prejudices and unconscious bias: Being an ally means you will often find that you need to challenge any bias, stereotypes, and assumptions you didn't realise you had. Think about the jokes you make, the pronouns you use and if you wrongly assume someone's partner is of a particular sex or gender just because of the way they look and act.

5. Know that you will mess up sometimes – breathe, apologise, and ask for guidance Accidentally assumed someone’s label? Having a conversation about someone who is trans or non-binary, and unintentionally used the wrong pronoun? It happens - don’t panic, apologise, and correct yourself.

Useful resources to get you started:

14 LGBTQ+ icons from the past and present that people should know about

Lgbt history month

Throughout the month of February, as part of our shining a spotlight on LGBT+ History Month, we will be sharing posts of LGBTQ+ icons from the past and present that you should know about. Let's all educate ourselves and become allies. 

Some of the faces you can expect to see include, Doncaster's own Yung Blud, Gilbert Baker, Elton John, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah and more...

Doncaster Pride

Lgbt history month

Want to learn more and support your local pride organisation, then be sure to visit the Doncaster Pride website:

For those of you that missed the announcement, the annual Doncaster Pride event will be on the 6th August at the new location of Elmfield Park. More info:
