
Could you be Doncaster's next Town Crier?

Posted: 06 April 2022

Fancy being Doncaster's next Town Crier?

Event's Doncaster are on the lookout for someone with a set of lungs on them that will be Doncaster's very own Town Crier as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June. This is open to everyone over the age of 18, male or female.

If this sounds like something that you would be great for, or if you know someone that would be great, then please do nominate yourself, or somebody else (with their permission of course).

To nominate yourself, we require you to submit a proclamation video (no longer than 30 seconds long) of you telling us why you should be chosen to be Doncaster's next Town Crier.

Submissions must be received by Friday 15th April and should be sent to the @DN1Events Facebook page inbox. Shortlisting will take place shortly after this date and then the top 3 entries will be put to the public vote online.

What are you waiting for? Get applying!

Please note before entering, the initial period for this voluntary post will be 12 months so the winner will be required to attend a number of events during this time - subject to availability.

The winner will be kitted out with all the regalia that befits this ambassador role.

If you want to apply but don't want to record a video of yourself...

We are overwhelmed by the interest and enquiries regarding the Town Crier position and we understand that a few people have been a little nervous of submitting a video, so after taking these points into account we have decided that we will also hold a Live closed audition for those that wish to apply.

If you wish to still submit a video, you can do so as per the instructions here: OR you can direct any questions via the DN Events Doncaster Facebook page or via email: Please note places are limited for the closed auditions so hurry up and secure your place ASAP!


