Doncaster Pride 2021

Please find below a major announcement from the team at Doncaster Pride:

"There is continued uncertainty about major events due to the pandemic. Well beyond June 21st and even into August it is likely that measures will be required for large events. These could include social distancing, face coverings, constant full site cleansing and limits to crowd numbers, we may even be required to provide full seating and table service. 

 Doncaster Pride is a large event and we are advised that it will be affected. We feel implementing these kind of measures, not to mention lack of clarity with just over 12 weeks to the event means we have to change the plans for this year. A park full of restrictions isn’t Pride to us and we think you’ll agree it’s not what you want either. 

Any measures would significantly increase costs and as Pride is paid for by business sponsorship and fundraising the spiralling costs are a concern. The current economic recovery means sponsorship is a challenge and of course we’ve had no fundraisers in the last 12 months. 

What we must do is protect Pride for the future and not risk the reserves we hold by planning an event that may have to be restricted or cancelled, potentially losing us large sums of money. 

Doncaster Pride is a free event and we always want to keep it that way, so it is with regret we’ve taken the decision to postpone the HUGE plans until 2022 when we know we can come back with the best Pride ever. 

We are disappointed and we know you will be, but we have to take what we feel is the right decision for the future of Doncaster Pride – we hope you understand.

BUT…. we are very committed to Doncaster Pride 21 going ahead even though it will have to be different – so here are the plans for Pride 2021 -->
